with FREE e-learning

The Highway Code has included significant changes you and your drivers need to know about.

You drivers and your business are at greater risk under the New Rules for collisions with Vulnerable Road Users, pedestrians, cyclists, horses and riders and motor cyclists.

No doubt the Police and The Traffic Commissioners will be watching commercial vehicles closely.

Play your part to help your drivers

Sign up now, we'll set you up for free

Share our free 20-minute toolbox talk with your drivers

How a collision with a vulnerable road user impacts you and your business

Drivers can expect to be held responsible if they have a collision with a Vulnerable Road User. This means a prosecution by the Police. If found guilty it means a hearing with the Traffic Commissioner. The business and the Transport Manager may be called to a hearing too if the Traffic Commissioner believes the collision is due to a lack of good training in the new Highway Code Rules.

  • Complete the online form below
  • We’ll then email you instructions on how to distribute the toolbox talk to your drivers
  • Your drivers go online and view the e-learning at a time convenient to them

Playing our part to reduce the chances of your drivers having a collision with a vulnerable road user

To play our part in the campaign to reduce the number of collisions with vulnerable road users, we’re offering our ‘highway code’ e-learning toolbox talk to you free of charge – here’s how to get it:

  1. Complete the online form below
  2. We’ll then email you instructions on how to distribute the toolbox talk to your drivers
  3. Your drivers go online and view the e-learning at a time convenient to them

Register for your free highway code Toolbox Talk